On the first visit we will make 2 types of actions:

  • Assessment tests :
  • Extraoral photographs: We will analyze the patient’s face
    Intraoral photographs : We check overcrowding , and occlusion of teeth and gums estodo
    Radiographs : Lateral, pan and scan ( only in certain cases )

  • Oral health test
  • Test plate :
    We will check plaque levels, neutralizing capacity of saliva and quantity of bacteria.

    If the patient is a child, with these data we will determine whether it is necessary to initiate treatment, or it will be better to wait a little longer, and thus achieve a more efficient and shorter treatment. The decision to start or wait must be well pondered, and the experience of the doctors will play an important role. This decision will be made based on the patient’s age, the problem presented, its severity, period of growth, and stage of transition to permanent teeth.

    In the case of adult patients, initially there won’t be any reason to delay treatment initiation.

    Once the decision has been made to initiate treatment, the case must be studied in order to understand all problems in depth, and to plan the treatment. In the next visit, the patient is presented with a detailed explanation of all data obtained with the study.

    Ask for an appointment for your first visit.

Llámanos Madrid 915359135 | Torrejón 916775934 o si lo prefieres te llamamos

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